Winter Energy Efficiency Tips

Lower temperatures can mean higher utility bills, but there are things you can do to help lower your energy use. The following tips range from easy and quick do-it-yourself projects to more advanced measures. And as always, if you have any questions on how to improve your home’s energy efficiency, you can speak with one of our certified Energy Service Representatives and schedule a home energy audit.


For a full list of easy, DIY home efficiency projects, from caulking and weather striping to installing attic insulation, you’ll find it all here:

Do-it-Yourself Energy Efficiency Projects


Water heating accounts for up to 20 percent of the total utility expense for many U.S. households. Follow these tips to lower your water heater’s energy usage.

Hot Water Heater Efficiency Tips


Insulation and sealing can help prevent cold outside air from infiltrating your home, causing your heater to work harder.

Insulation and Sealing Tips and Information


For more tips, check out our section covering everything from thermostats to windows here.