Energy Audits

CAEC’s Energy Audit program gives members the ability to make their homes more energy efficient. An Energy and Technology Consultant (ETC) and Certified Residential Energy Auditor, will conduct the audits. We offer two styles of audits, the traditional in-person audit conducted by an ETC, as well as a virtual audit for those with COVID-19 safety precautions. Read more about both options below.

Basic Audit for $75:

There is an up-front cost, but the fees will be reimbursed when improvements to the home are made based on the ETC’s recommendation.

  • General Return on Investment (ROI) Information
  • Infrared Camera Evaluation
  • Internal/External Visual Inspection
  • Air Infiltration
  • Solar Effect
  • Heating/Cooling System
  • Building Structure
  • Insulation
  • Lighting
  • Appliances

Advanced Energy Audit $100 (Video of Audit Services)

Everything in the basic audit plus:

  • Blower Door Test– air changes per hour
  • Specific ROI information on energy efficient upgrades

Members can be reimbursed for items including, but not limited to: LEDs, maintenance on HVAC unit, air filters, caulking, weather-stripping, appliances and windows.

The cost of the audit will be placed on the power bill, unless the member would prefer call our office and pay ahead of time over the phone. A copy of the receipts for home improvements will be required for reimbursement – they may be scanned and emailed to, mailed (see contact information below) or hand-delivered to any one of our service centers. Members have one year after the audit is complete to make improvements and receive reimbursement. The credits will be applied to the member’s bill upon verification of receipts.

Virtual Audit no cost:

By utilizing phone or video calls, ETCs are prepared to perform the virtual audits on any platform that the member is comfortable using. During the audit, the member will walk through the home allowing the ETC to see areas of concern. Additionally, the ETC can provide suggestions for further areas to investigate if needed. When the audit is complete, CAEC will send a report of items discussed and suggest possible areas for improvement.

To schedule your audit today, contact us at: (800) 545-5735 ext. 2178 or

Explanation of Terms:

Return on Investment: Once the energy audit is performed, members will have the opportunity to correct issues in the home based on the ETC’s recommendation. The return on investment comes in the form of savings on your power bill due to reduced energy usage.

Infrared Camera: A tool we use during the audit process, which for this purpose, makes air leaks visible by displaying the temperature difference on a surface.

Air Infiltration: Outside air coming into the home, while conditioned or heated air exits the home.

Blower Door Test: A device used to measure and locate air leaks.