Some families in your community struggle every month to meet their basic living expenses. Their current circumstances are difficult, and they just need a little help.
You can help them by contributing a few dollars each month through Project SHARE. Project SHARE (Service to Help Alabamians with Relief on Energy) is an energy-assistance program that is funded by caring Alabama customers like you. Project SHARE makes a payment directly to the energy provider on behalf of these families. Since 1982, Alabamians giving a little every month have provided more than $21 million to eligible households.
If you would like to contribute to SHARE, please download and print out the form and fill it out and fax it to (334) 365-6148, mail to the address listed (do not include it with your mailed bill payment) or you can drop it off at our customer service centers.
For more information, contact us at (334) 365-6762 or (800) 545-5735.