Water Heater Rebates

CAEC offers rebates for water heaters. Purchase your new water heater from any store and receive a rebate for meeting the following criteria:

  • Only electric water heaters (cannot be tankless)
  • Minimum energy factor of .92
  • Participation in CAEC’s Peak Shaving Program
  • If member receives a rebate, they must keep the Peak Shaving Device (PSD) active for two years.
  • Must be installed to a 220/240 volt outlet

Water heaters will be inspected to verify:

  • Installation at member’s primary address
  • Manufacturer’s Information: Name, model and serial #
  • Proof of purchase: Copy of receipt, store name, spec information

Rebates are available in the following amounts:

  • Under 80 gal: $235
  • 80 gal & up: $375

To apply for a water heater rebate, email a filled out version of the *Water Heater Rebate Form to cbrowder@coop.caec.com along with a copy of the proof of purchase.

For more information about our rebate program, call (800) 545-5735, or Cindy Browder, Energy & Technology Consultant at ext. 2118 or (334) 351-2118.