Safety Tips

  • Make sure safety is on the menu this year

    The holiday season is in full swing, which means many of us will find ourselves in the kitchen prepping for upcoming celebrations. In the associated rush of gearing up for holiday get-togethers, cooking safety can sometimes be put on the backburner, no pun intended.

    Inattention and electrical appliances don’t mix well, which is why it’s important to keep your focus on the delicious dishes you are preparing. While it might seem like a good way to kill two birds with one stone by starting a dish on the stovetop or in the toaster oven then moving on to other tasks, reports from the National Fire Prevention Association state that unattended equipment is cited as the leading cause for 32 percent of home cooking fires.

    When frying, grilling, boiling or broiling food, always remain in the kitchen, and keep anything flammable – oven mitts, food wrappers, towels or wooden utensils – away from the stovetop or cooking surface. Another aspect of cooking safety that’s often overlooked is the condition of the appliances being used. Check that they are still in good working condition, and never use an appliance that’s in obvious disrepair or one that’s already had an over-extended cooking career.

    Ask yourself just how many Christmases has that crockpot seen? The lifespan of small appliances greatly depends on how often they are used, how well they are maintained and how well their quality holds up. Generally speaking, the average life expectancy of most small kitchen appliances ranges from five to 10 years. For example, mid- to high-end toasters can last six to eight years, and a toaster oven works an average of five years. If you’ve celebrated your 15th wedding anniversary and you’re still regularly using the crockpot or toaster you received as a wedding present, it might be time to add a new one to your Christmas list.

    To stay safe while cooking, keep the following additional tips in mind when you begin your food prep:

    • Make sure your appliances are plugged into a GFCI (ground fault circuit interrupter) outlet. When working properly, the GFCI senses any power flow imbalances and in turn trips the circuit.
    • Make sure all electric cords are in good working condition: do not use appliances with cords or plugs that are frayed, cracked, taped, wire-exposed or otherwise questionable.
    • If you use extension cords, make sure they are in good condition and that the correct type of cord is used for the job (for example, don’t use an everyday, thin extension cord for a high-powered appliance). Use them as a temporary solution, not a permanent one.
    • Although often a task that gets skipped, read the appliance’s operating instructions prior to use.

    When not in use, always unplug small appliances to prevent any unnecessary energy consumption, especially if the appliance has LED displays or any other standby features that consume energy.

  • Getting familiar with the cyber basics

    October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month, so take a look at a few tips you can implement to keep yourself safe online.

    At a time when we are more connected than ever, being “cyber smart” is of the utmost importance. This year has already seen more than a fair share of cyberattacks and breaches, including the high-profile attacks on the Colonial Pipeline and other critical infrastructure. Furthermore, as underlined by these recent breaches, cyberattacks are becoming more sophisticated with more evolved criminals cropping up each day. Luckily, there are several steps that we can take to mitigate risks and stay one step ahead of these cyberthreats.

    Enable multi-factor authentication

    Multi-factor authentication (MFA) adds that necessary second check to verify your identity when logging in to one of your accounts. By requiring multiple methods of authentication, your account is further protected from being compromised, even if a criminal hijacks your password. In this way, MFAs make it more difficult for password-cracking tools to enable attackers to break into accounts. Also, with MFA enabled, if you get a notification for authorization and were not expecting the request, then you know someone is trying to access your account allowing you to login and change the password.

    Use strong passwords and password manager

    This may seem obvious, but all too often securing strong passwords is overlooked. People are spending more time online, and that has contributed to more prowling for accounts to attack. Using long, complex and unique passwords is a good way to stop your account from being hacked. With the need for stronger more lengthy passwords, an easy way of keeping track and remembering your passwords is by using a password manager such as LastPass, KeepPass, etc.

    Perform software updates

    When a device prompts you that it’s time to update the software, it may be tempting to simply click postpone and ignore the message. However, having the latest security software, web browser and operating system on devices is one of the best defenses against online threats. So, don’t wait – update.

    Do your research

    Common sense is a crucial part of maintaining good online hygiene, and an intuitive step to stay safe online is to do some research before downloading anything new to your device. Before downloading any new app, make sure that it’s safe by checking who created the app, what the user reviews say and if there are any articles published online about the app’s privacy and security features.

    Check your settings

    Be diligent to double check your privacy and security settings and be aware who can access your documents. This extends from Google docs to Zoom calls and beyond. For meetings on Zoom, for example, create passwords so only those invited to the session can attend, and restrict who can share their screen or files with the rest of the attendees.

    Being “cyber smart” and maintaining stellar online hygiene is the best way to protect yourself and others from cyberattacks. No single tip is foolproof but taken together, they can make a real difference for taking control of your online presence. By taking preventive measures and making a habit of practicing online safety, you can exponentially decrease your odds of being hacked – and prevent lost time and money, as well as frustration.

  • Be Prepared Before a Storm Strikes

    In the event of a power outage, be prepared by keeping the following items in an easy-to-find emergency supply kit:

    Water: Three-day supply, one gallon per person per day.

    Tools: Flashlight, extra batteries, manual can opener, battery-powered or hand-crank radio, NOAA Weather Radio with tone alert.

    First aid kit and prescriptions: First aid supplies, hand sanitizer and at least one week’s supply of prescriptions and medications for the family.

    Medical devices

    Many of us have emergency kits prepared in the event of a power outage. While we typically think of items such as water, nonperishable food and flashlights, those utilizing home medical devices requiring electricity have additional concerns to consider during an outage.

    It’s important to prepare medical equipment (just as you would an emergency kit) before a storm occurs. First, check with your device manufacturer or consult the manual to determine if your device can be used with batteries or a generator. If the device can run on batteries, have plenty of extras ready before a potential weather event. Since outage lengths vary, it’s recommended to keep a week’s supply on hand.

    Additionally, if your device requires water for use or cleaning, only use bottled, boiled or treated water until you are sure your local water supply is safe.

    With your device, keep cards handy that have the following information.

    Contact card that lists:

    • Your name
    • Date of birth
    • Address
    • Phone number
    • The name and number of your doctor
    • Updated emergency contacts

    Device card that lists:

    • The device type and model number
    • Your local power company and phone number
    • Your local fire department and phone number
    • Ambulance service and phone number
    • Your home care agency and phone number
    • Your health care provider and phone number
    • Device supplier and phone number

    And don’t forget about any medications that need to be kept cold. During an outage, refrigerators will typically maintain a cool temperature for up to four hours, and medications can remain in a closed refrigerator during that time. If the outage lasts longer than four hours, remove the medications as soon as possible and place them in a cooler packed with ice or ice packs. To ensure the medications are safe for use, monitor the temperature of the cooler with a thermometer and keep medications out of direct contact with the ice to avoid freezing.

    Once power is restored, check the settings on your device to make sure they have not changed, as they may return to default settings after a power outage.

    In addition to these measures, it’s also important to include alternative living arrangements in your plan. In case of an extended outage, having one or more locations you could temporarily go to can also provide relief.

    Power outages can be stressful, especially if you use medical equipment, but by planning now, you can achieve peace of mind if they do occur.


  • Stay safe around substations

    When electricity is generated in power plants, it is transmitted over long distances at a high voltage. An electrical substation has voltages as high as 500,000 volts running through it – which will kill in an instant. Through substation transformers this high voltage is reduced to distribution levels in the substation and then sent through the distribution lines where a service transformer reduces it even further for service in homes and businesses. Because of the high voltage in substations, it is important that safety precautions are taken by trained workers who are the only ones allowed to work in or near substations.

    Central Alabama Electric Cooperative’s (CAEC) substations are surrounded by metal fences topped with barbed wire to make them inaccessible to the public. Signs are placed on fences and gates to warn of the potential danger of electrocution. These warning signs are also placed on the sides of the substation and often contain text such as “Warning – keep out – hazardous voltage inside – can shock, burn or cause death” with a symbol of a person being electrocuted. If a child’s kite, ball or other toy is accidentally lost in a substation area, do not retrieve it yourself. Additionally, do not attempt to rescue a pet that goes inside the substation. Call the electric company associated with the substation and ask them to help retrieve your belonging. If it’s a CAEC substation, call 1-800-545-5735 or, after 9 p.m., call 1-800-619-5460 for assistance.

    When the authorized personnel arrive, do not attempt to accompany them into the substation area, but wait outside the fence while they retrieve your property. Workers who enter the substation must follow strict safety requirements, including wearing a hard hat, safety shoes, safety glasses, arc flash clothing and special gloves designed to protect them.

    Educate your children on the dangers of electrical substations and teach them to recognize the danger signs displayed on high-voltage equipment. It’s particularly important that children, who may not understand warning signs, realize the dangers of high voltage.

    If you notice anything strange or out of place with a substation, such as trespassing, damage or vandalism, call us to report the details at 1-800-545-5735.

  • Holiday cooking tips

    The kitchen can be a busy place during the holiday season; prepping and preparing favorite recipes (or sampling those favorite recipes). With Covid-19, dining in restaurants has become less common, causing people to spend more time in their own homes and kitchens this season than ever before.

    However, whether you are a seasoned cook or novice baker, it’s important to keep electrical safety in mind. In the United States alone, approximately 1,000 deaths occur each year as a result of electrical injuries, according to the National Institutes of Health. An additional non-fatal 30,000 shock incidents occur each year. So, before you start getting your holiday casseroles ready, make sure safety is on your menu this year by using the following cooking tips:

    • Always read and follow an appliance’s operating instructions.
    • Always dry your hands before handling cords or plugs.
    • If an unplugged appliance cord gets wet or damp, do not plug it in until it is thoroughly dry.
    • Do not handle electrical cords or appliances when standing in water.
    • Pull on the plug, not the cord, to disconnect an appliance from an outlet.
    • To avoid damaging cords, don’t run them across walkways or underneath rugs. Draping them over walkways is also a tripping hazard.
    • Regularly inspect electrical cords and plugs for damaged insulation and exposed wiring; immediately discard any damaged item. Avoid using any cord or plug that is frayed, cracked, taped or otherwise questionable.
    • Do not overload extension cords, multi-pack power strips or surge protectors with too many appliances or other items or plug them into each other. Use them only as a temporary solution, and not a permanent one.
    • Ensure extension cords, power strips and surge protectors are in good condition and the appropriate gauge for the job (the lower the number, the bigger the gauge and the greater the amperage and wattage).
    • Never remove the third (round or U-shaped) prong from a plug, which is a grounding/safety feature designed to reduce the risk of shock
      and electrocution.
    • If you have doubts about your home’s electrical system, have a licensed electrician evaluate wiring, outlets, and switches to verify they are in working order.
    • Educate yourself and everyone in your household on how to properly turn off your home’s power in case of an emergency.


  • Electric shock drowning- what you need to know

    In the summer, the enjoyable activities of swimming and boating can quickly become dangerous. While water-safety behaviors such as wearing life jackets and maintaining safe boating speeds have become commonplace, a serious hazard remains that is often overlooked. This silent killer, known as electric shock drowning, occurs when an electric current escapes boats, docks, electric lines or lights, shocking and paralyzing nearby swimmers making them unable to swim to safety. There are no visible signs of electrical current seeping into water, and many electric shock drowning deaths are usually recorded as drowning because victims show no signs of burns, so many instances remain undocumented.

    But there are steps you can take to protect yourself and your loved ones from the hidden danger of electric shock drowning and common boat electrical hazards with these handy tips from Electrical Safety Foundation International.

    • Never allow anyone to swim near docks. Avoid entering the water when launching or loading a boat.
    • Always maintain a distance of at least 10 feet between your boat and nearby power lines. When fishing, make sure to cast the line away from power lines.
    • If you feel a tingle while swimming, the water may be electrified. Get out as soon as possible and avoid the use of metal objects such as ladders. Don’t ever go in the water to save someone who has been shocked because you could be shocked, as well. Turn off the power and then use a nonmetal object to pull the swimmer out of the water.
    • Have your boat’s electrical system inspected and upgraded by a certified marine electrician who is familiar with National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) codes 303 and NFPA 70.
    • Have Ground Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCIs) – fast-acting circuit breakers designed to shut off power when they sense an imbalance – installed on your dock, boat and outlets for lighting around pools and spas and test them once a month.
    • Consider having Equipment Leakage Circuit Interrupters (ELCIs) installed on boats to protect nearby swimmers from potential electricity leakage into the water surrounding your boat.
    • Only use shore or marine power cords, plugs, receptacles and extension cords that have been tested by Underwriters Laboratories (UL), Canadian Standards Association (CSA) or Intertek (ETL).
    • Never use cords that are frayed or damaged or that have had the prongs removed or altered.
    • Never stand or swim in water when turning off electrical devices or switches.
    • Build pools and decks at least five feet from all underground electric lines and at least 25 feet away from overhead electric lines.
    • Do not put electric appliances within 10 feet of a swimming pool and use battery-operated appliances near pools if possible.
    • When you get out of the water, don’t touch any electrical appliances until you are completely dry.
  • Protect your pet from electrical hazards

    For many, pets are like members of the family, providing an indescribable companionship for owners. Two-thirds (67 percent) of U.S. households, or about 85 million families, own at least one pet, according to the 2019-2020 National Pet Owners Survey, conducted by the American Pet Products Association. Regardless of how large or small a pet may be, there are always potential electrical hazards around the corner.

    Here are a few safety tips to help you protect your pets from electrical hazards throughout the house:

    • Discourage pets from sleeping near or behind electronics. Many pets are attracted to the warmth, but this is a potential fire hazard.
    • Make sure plugs are completely plugged into an outlet. If not plugged in correctly, curious pets can get shocked.
    • Cover cords with cable jackets or PVC pipe in order to prevent pets from playing with or chewing on cords. Wind up excess cords and hide from view.
    • Coat cords with a bitter substance to make them undesirable to pets. Appropriate and safe products can be purchased online or at pet stores.
    • Unplug all appliances not in use to cut electric current.
    • Continuously check cords for fraying or bite marks.
    • Place cords out of pet’s reach, whether hanging off the floor or behind furniture.
    • Provide your pet with new and different chew toys so electrical cords do not become a dangerous replacement.
    • Make sure cords attached to an aquarium have a drip loop—cords that slack below the outlet—to make sure water does not run into the outlet.
    • Watch your pet around dangling or sagging cords, including phone or tablet charging cables. Unplug charging cables once your devices are charged. Not only do they draw a small amount of energy when not in use, but the dangling cords are just crying to be played with.
    • Don’t skimp when buying power cords, extension cords or anything else that you use for your electronics. Cheaper quality cords are much more likely to create sparks or overheat.
    • Be careful where you place lamps and other plugged-in items. Lamps can be a fire hazard if they are knocked over, especially if they have halogen bulbs.
    • Do not leave your pet alone around items that get hot: curling irons and straighteners, an outdoor grill, a portable heater and other electric appliances, including cooktops.
    • If a pet should receive a shock, never touch the animal until you know it is away from the power source or the electric current is shut off in order to prevent injury to yourself. Once it is clear to approach the pet, give it medical treatment immediately.

    Taking the time to make sure your home is safe for your pet will help ensure your friend will be around to bring happiness into your life for years to come.

  • Electrical safety in the workplace

    Electrical safety should be treated as a priority in every workplace. Electricity is a powerful force which can seriously injure and in the worst cases, be fatal. Here are some common electrical hazards in the workplace and safety tips that can help avoid accidents:

    • Be vigilant about power line locations if you are doing work outdoors, operating machinery, driving a truck that has hydraulic beds or lifts (dump truck), or arms/extensions (garbage truck, concrete truck), to name a few, and always use a spotter. Contact with a power line can kill! If your truck, tractor or equipment does come in contact with a line while you are inside it, DO NOT get out. Call 9-1-1 and wait for the power to be de-energized so you can safely exit.

    • Working with portable power tools presents inherent electrical risks. Defective tools, improper connections or misuse of tools greatly increases a worker’s chance of electrical injury. Never carry a tool by the cord or yank the cord to disconnect it from the receptacle. Keep cords away from heat, oil and sharp edges and disconnect them when not in use. Use gloves and appropriate safety footwear when using electric tools. Store electric tools in a dry place when not in use and do not use them in damp or wet locations unless they’re approved for that purpose.

    • Office workers can also be exposed to electrical hazards. Ungrounded equipment, overloaded circuits, defective or damaged power or extension cords, poor placement of extension cords, space heaters and   exposed live parts are just a few hazards that can be found in the workplace.

    • Be careful when working around water. Water and electricity don’t mix and it greatly increases the chance of shock. Keep all electrical equipment away from standing water or damp conditions (indoors or outdoors) and do not operate equipment with wet hands. Make sure any outlet that is near a water source (and all outdoor outlets) are GFCI (ground-fault circuit interrupter) protected.

    Accidents unfortunately do occur, and they can have deadly and tragic consequences that extend far beyond the job site. A climate of safety awareness and knowledge must be created in the workplace in order to help prevent misfortunes.

  • Holiday Cooking Safety Tips

    The kitchen is the heart of the home. Sadly, it’s also where two out of every five home fires start. Many home fires occur during what’s supposed to be the happiest time of the year – the holidays. Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years hold a tradition of cooking, and safety should always be considered in the kitchen. As we embark on the holiday season, CAEC and the Electrical Safety Foundation International (ESFI) urge you to use these simple safety tips to identify and cranberries measuring cupcorrect potential kitchen hazards:

    ▪        Never leave cooking equipment unattended, and always remember to turn off burners if you have to leave the room.

    ▪        Supervise the little ones closely in the kitchen. Make sure children stay at least three feet away from all cooking appliances.

    ▪        Prevent potential fires by making sure your stove top and oven are clean and free of grease, dust and spilled food.

    ▪        Remember to clean the exhaust hood and duct over your stove on a regular basis.

    ▪        Keep the cooking area around the stove and oven clear of combustibles, such as towels, napkins and potholders.

    ▪        Always wear short or close-fitting sleeves when cooking. Loose clothing can catch fire.

    ▪        To protect from spills and burns, use the back burners and turn the pot handles in, away from reaching hands.

    ▪        Locate all appliances away from the sink.

    ▪        Plug countertop appliances into ground fault circuit interrupter (GFCI)-protected outlets.

    ▪        Keep appliance cords away from hot surfaces like the range or toaster.

    ▪        Unplug the toaster and other counter top appliances when not in use.

    ▪        Be sure to turn off all appliances when cooking is completed.

    For more important safety tips to keep you and your family safe this holiday season and throughout the year, visit

  • Safely hunting the Right of Way

    Hunters have their sights on wild game when preparing for hunting season, but Central Alabama Electric Cooperative (CAEC) urges hunters to take precautions and be aware of potential electrical hazards while hunting. In a state dominated by hardwood hollows and pine thickets, wildlife can often be seen along rights of way.

    For landowners and their guests, this wildlife activity and low cover provide a unique and fruitful hunting experience that can be enjoyed by both seasoned and first-time hunters. But like any other hunting scenario, caution must be taken in these areas, and additional precautions are necessary when hunting near power lines.

    In many cases, landowners should place hunting structures along the edge of rights of way and maintain at least 15 feet from existing structures on the cooperatives lines. On transmission rights of ways (tall high voltage lines) more distance is required and a call to the owner of the lines would ensure safe placement of structures.

    To ensure the rights of way remain safe for property owners and to provide access for proper operation and maintenance of lines, the following structures, even if temporary, are prohibited and are subject to immediate removal or relocation:

    • Any structure attached to a transmission tower or power pole
    • A structure blocking access or located too close to facilities
    • Structures underneath high-voltage lines

    Note the location of power lines and other electrical equipment before you begin a hunt. Be especially careful and observant in wooded areas where power lines are easy to overlook.

  • October is Cyber Security Awareness Month

    Cyber criminals are out there, and they’re after your information. That’s why the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the National Cyber Security Alliance, designated October as National Cybersecurity Awareness Month (NCSAM).

    The goal of NCSAM is to provide every American with the resources they need to enhance their online safety and security. Let’s face it: In today’s world, the cybersecurity threats facing our nation can seem overwhelming – and downright scary. Cybersecurity, specifically the protection and security of consumer-members’ assets and the nation’s complex, interconnected network of power plants, transmission lines and distribution facilities is a top priority for electric cooperatives and other segments of the electric power industry.

    We all have a role to play in ensuring the security of your personal and professional data. Use the tips below to safeguard your computer:

    • Keep all software on internet-connected devices – including PCs, tablets and smartphones – up to date to reduce risk of infection from malware.
    • Create long passwords that only you will remember, and change them every six months. Remember, a strong password is at least 12 characters long.
    • Avoid the use of thumb drives and other portable memory devices.
    • Don’t click on weblinks or attached files in emails when you’re not certain of who the sender is.
    • Keep pace with new ways to stay safe online. Check trusted websites for the latest information. Share security tips with friends, family and colleagues, and encourage them to be web wise.

    We hope you will join us in raising cybersecurity awareness. Use and follow #cyberaware on social media to show and share your support. To learn more about NCSAM, visit

  • Halloween Electrical Safety

    According to the National Retail Federation, Halloween is one of the most popular holidays of the year for decorating, second only to Christmas.jack o lantern pumpkins

    As consumers and families across America prepare to celebrate Halloween with elaborate decorations, creative costumes, and candlelight displays, the Electrical Safety Foundation International (ESFI) recommends following important safety tips to keep families and homes safe.

    Safety Tips

    • Choose decorations, costumes, and accessories that are made with flame resistant, flame-retardant, or non-combustible materials.
    • Use flashlights or battery operated candles instead of candles when decorating the home, including to light walkways, jack-o-lanterns,and outdoor displays.
    • Carefully inspect each decoration before use. Cracked, frayed, or bare wires may cause a serious electric shock or start a fire.
    • Before using any electrical products outside, make sure they are marked “for outdoor use.”
    • Keep electric cords out of high-traffic areas, including doorways and walkways, where they can be a tripping hazard.
    • Plug outdoor decorations into circuits protected by ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCI) to prevent electric shock.
    • Never nail or staple light strings or extension cords. This can damage the cord’s insulation and create a serious fire and shock hazard.
    • Use electrical lights and decorations that are approved for safe use by an independent testing laboratory such as UL, ETLSEMKO or CSA.
    • Always turn off all electrical decorations and extinguish any open flames before leaving home or going to bed.